博学笃行 止于至善
2024.3.16,Reinhard Racke ,教授,University of Konstanz, Germany,Stabilization of magneto-elastic systems
发布时间: 2024-03-14 09:34 作者: 点击: 150

报告题目: Stabilization of magneto-elastic systems

报告人:  Professor Reinhard Racke University of Konstanz, Germany

摘要: We consider a mathematical model for a plate in a bounded reference configuration  in $\mathbb{R}^n$, with $n=2,3$, which is interacting with $n$ magnetic fields. The latter have a damping effect. It will be shown that the arising system generates an analytic semigroup and that the estimated exponential decay rate tends to zero if the $n$ constant directing magnetic vectors tend to become linearly dependent.


报告人简介:Reinhard Racke 1984年在德国波恩大学获得博士学位,1993年任Konstanz大学正教授。主要研究线性及非线性发展方程解的适定性以及长时间行为。Racke教授曾担任Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., Asym. Anal., J. Thermal Stresses, Nonlinear Analysis等国际SCI期刊编委,并且已在高水平期刊(ARMACMP等)发表论文100余篇,出版5本专著,引用超过2500余次。


时间:2024316 4:00-530 pm

地点:线下: 逸夫楼1537;线上:腾讯会议 390-797-583,密码:0316