报告题目:Propagation of short waves in ferrites with damping and
inhomogeneous exchange effects
报 告 人: 林机教授 浙江师范大学
摘 要:We have investigated solutions of the KMM system in two cases for s=0 and s≠0) by the CTE method and the Painlevé-Backlund transformation, for the case(s=0), the KMM system is integrable. There are many new type structures of solutions obtained, such as breather soliton, multipole instanton and rogue waves. Rogue waves have different structures including butterfly-type, X-type and Y-type ones. We also study in details the effects of Gilbert-damping and inhomogeneous exchange on the propagation of short waves in various saturated garnet ferrites.
时 间: 2020年1月3日 下午3:30---4:15
地 点: 逸夫楼1537
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